
Helenekilde Badehotel decorated with tine k home furniture

Helenekilde is much more than a hotel. Helenekilde is most of all an ambiance and then it's a home. A home that welcomes guests in an unpretentious and relaxed manner. We always bring guests come first and focus on the quiet luxury, the good food and pleasant surroundings with seating and views to let thoughts fly.



Sanne Ottosen

+45 28 14 24 70


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Tine k home bambus møbler

Tine K Home is an exclusive universe. Known for our natural and handmade products as well as unique finds that express history, culture, and traditional craftsmanship. A universe that represents designs where the materials are naturally sourced - Europe, Asia, and Africa - handcrafted by master craftsmen who pass their skills from one generation to the next, a blend of elegant simplicity that appeals to your senses. Find inspiration, whether it's for hotels, restaurants, beach bars or private spaces.

© 2019 - VAT: DK38748343 - Tine K Home A/S - M.P. Allerups Vej 45 G - 5220 Odense SØ - Denmark