We love seeing how you integrate and style Tine K Home products in your home with #tinekhome on
Instagram. We really appreciate your creativity.
Therefore we kindly ask you to share your beautiful Instagram posts with us, so we can repost your image on our website, at Tine K Home's social media and newsletters by responding to our request with the hashtag
#yestinekhome. You will of course be credited for your photo with tags to your Instagram profile.
By using our hashtag #yestinekhome, you agree to the following:
- Tine K Home A/S has permission to use any of your photos there are tagged with #yestinekhome on tinekhome.com, Tine K Home's social media, website and newsletters. The agreement is royalty-free which means that Tine K Home can use your photo in multiple applications on multiple mediaplatforms without having to pay a royality for each application.
- Tine K Home A/S will not have the ownership of your photos but has the right to use your photos for marketing on our website, at Tine K home's social media and in newsletters with your use of #yestinekhome.
- You hereby declare that you have all rights to your photos, and that any persons appearing in your photos have accepted that Tine K Home may share your photos. Tine K Home's use of your photos will therefore not violate the rights of any third party nor any law.
- Furthermore, you release Tine K Home from any obligation to pay you for any use of your photos mentioned above.
We are looking forward to sharing your Tine K Home design moments with our community.
Kind regards,
Tine K Home